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Choices in Treating Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a skin disease that needs careful attention. The cellulitis symptoms themselves are surely going to drain the resources out from your pocket if you treat it with the wrong medicines.

Many medical professionals have been following closely the nature of the disease and the treatment for cellulitis. The Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria have been found to be mutating year after each year and thus demand new ways in healing a disease. Any way in treating cellulitis has common goals.

First, it wants to stop the production of Staph bacteria in a patient’s system. It also wants to heal the damaged cells. Here are some options in treating cellulitis that you can consider.

This is the very first option that doctors will discuss with you upon finding out that you are infected with cellulitis. Antibiotics are used against group A streptococci and staphylococcus aureus, two of the most common bacteria groups that cause cellulitis.

Because some patients are allergic to penicillin, there are newly-developed penicillinase-resistant synthetic penicillin (cephalosporin) antibiotics.

Some antibiotics in treating cellulitis among adults include of flucloxacillin, erythromycin, or clarithromycin is 500 milligrams. These are usually taken four times a day or as prescribed by your physician. In taking antibiotics, make sure you acquiesce with the recommended dosage.

Patients are not also allowed to drink liquor as they may only wash the antibiotic chemical content easily. People taking meds are also advised to get enough rest.

Home Remedies
This is applicable when you get a mild case of cellulitis. Patients who are on their way to recovery can also stay at home so that they can save some money for hospital fees.

One way to prevent bacteria from increasing in number is by cleaning it effectively with a prescribed-soap, topical antibiotic like Neosporin and lukewarm water.

Bandages that have been used to cover wounds should also be replaced more often. If the blisters hurt, you can also take pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Applying moisturizers in the affected area can also help.

Herbs and other alternative medicine.
Herbs have healing properties. Over the years, many supporters of Oriental alternative medicine have been discovering the potency of herbs. Garlic, Echinacea and Goldenseal have antibacterial and healing properties.

These herbs are better taken orally. During cellulitis attack, the skin also has a tendency to be dry and scaly. To prevent further scratches and bruises, you may also lubricate your skin using herbs like tea tree oil, thyme, lavender and bergamot.

Good lifestyle.
Having low resistance to sickness is one of the reasons why people get infected with cellulitis. Having a balanced diet, enough rest and a healthy environment are best ways to prevent cellulitis. During the sickness, eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits to boost your immune system.

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